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Ms. Buyer is a regular columnist for the THE BULLETIN of the Bar Association of Erie County and is a contributor to No Jitter. Previously, she has written numerous commentaries on telecommunications law for other legal and telecommunications publications including, among others, The Daily Record, Communications Convergence and Computer Telephony. Her articles cover a broad range of topics highlighting current telecommunications issues including federal and state telecommunications policy, litigation, wireless technologies, spectrum policy, FCC initiatives, and industry consolidation. Martha Buyer has also contributed to the ABA Journal Report.

Entries in Daily Record (1)


Lost in Space…No Really…

Lost in (Techno) Space
Wireless bandwidth is a limited commodity. Period. As increasing numbers of us acquire and use more wireless devices that are increasingly sophisticated and which use increasing amounts of bandwidth, the amount of unclaimed bandwidth decreases, leaving not only consumers, but first responders, air traffic controllers and government entities among others, with limited options.

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